Have you ever looked in the mirror and said – “ Help! I need to update my style!”
My friend Cindy did.
In fact, she went on to say, “Actually, I need the fashion fairy to do a complete closet overhaul and then take me by the hand and help me find a fabulous new style that represents who I am now!”
I felt a bit like the fashion fairy myself when I said, “I’ve got your girl! Let me introduce you to Red Shoe style expert Micolle Canido!”
Micolle, true to form, worked her trademark magic.
Cindy was amazed. You can see the magic that happened below but first let me tell you about Cindy. Maybe you’ll find a kindred spirit.
Cindy is 59 and retired from a diverse career (from truck driving, to TV production to office administration). She has an active, fulfilling life but feels in the last few years has lost her sense of style. Well…maybe it’s not lost exactly but like a lot of us she feels it needs an update or a tweak to better fit who she is now. We all get stuck in style ruts — dressing as we always have, wearing something only one way, worrying if it makes us look old or if we’re suddenly dressing too young, having a closetful of clothes and nothing to wear.
The first thing Micolle did was ask Cindy a few questions.
Micolle – Why do you want to reinvent your style?
Cindy – I’m bored with my look and feel it doesn’t reflect how I want to feel or present myself.
Micolle – How would you describe your style now?
Cindy – Rather blah
Micolle – How would you love to look?
Cindy – More chic and a bit edgy or funky. Funny, even as I say that I feel uncomfortable – interesting that I want to update my style, but I feel self-conscious stepping out of my comfort zone.
Micolle – How would you love to feel?
Cindy – Stylish, chic, yet fun, and comfortable.
Micolle – Tell me about your lifestyle.
Cindy – Very casual and low-key. We split our time between here and Palm Desert, and travelling.
Micolle – Who are you—Is there a person inside who wants to come out through style?
Cindy – I think I’m ready to embrace my creative self. It’s been a long time coming!
Micolle – What would be your fantasy wardrobe?
Cindy – Somewhat minimal – somewhat being the operative word – let’s not get too minimalistic! With pieces that I can easily swap out to change a look or style.
Micolle – I want you to pick one piece from your closet and we’ll start creating your exciting, somewhat edging, new look from that! What will it be?
Cindy – I’m going with these blue pants. I bought the pants thinking they’d be kind of fun and a change of pace from my usual wardrobe, but I couldn’t make anything work with them. I still like them. Micolle if you can make these work you are ahhhh-mazing!
Micolle went to work and started to play.
Here’s what happened
Cindy’s blue pants provide key piece to new fabulous style.
Cheryl: How did you feel in each outfit?
Cindy: I was a bit skeptical at first, but once I put them on I was surprised at how good each outfit looked.
Cheryl: What did you learn from Micolle?
Cindy: To have fun with my wardrobe – play around. And from Micolle and you, I learned the power of red (or in my case coral) lipstick!!
Cheryl: Do you see the blue pants (and your closet differently)?
Cindy: Yes, I look at my wardrobe now with different eyes. Before Micolle, I would usually just rotate a few regular (and somewhat boring) outfits, but the last few times I was going out, I pulled out items from the back of the closet and played with different looks. It’s kinda fun!
Cheryl: Do you like this style? How would you describe style now?
Cindy: I do like this style – getting dressed is more enjoyable, and I feel more confident when I play with putting different outfits together. They don’t always work but I enjoy experimenting. A girlfriend of mine described my look as “edgy sophisticated”. Works for me!
Buy with purpose. We live in a world of over consumption. One thing I always try to do when buying something new to add to my closet is find 3 separate ways to wear the item…whatever it may be.
Clean out your closet…every season. I do this 4 times a year if not more. If the item is sitting there collecting dust…get rid of it. Consign it, donate it, or give it to a friend. Be practical about pieces…don’t be one of those people that sit there waiting for that “special occasion” to wear something you haven’t worn in years.
Ask a friend whose opinion you trust to tell you the cold hard truth about what’s hiding in your closet. You know that one friend that will tell you to get rid of those jeans with the rhinestones splashed all over the back pockets…she’ll be the first to tell you, “get rid of those!”
Take the ONE of latest trends for the season and incorporate it into your wardrobe. For example, the kimono was a big one this season. It’s fun and flatters almost every shape…a simple top and pair of pants from your existing closet and you’re good to go.
And if you’re really stuck…call me! OR find a local Stylist to work with you on revamping your style, closet, or overall image.
Micolle Canido is an independent stylist living in Vancouver, British Columbia. You can reach her at 604.613.6713
Read more from Micolle on Red Shoe Zone style pages
Consignment Shopping with a Pro
Micolle takes on the White Shirt
Please pass along to any gal pals who want style update.
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