All of us have one thing in common – we all have at our disposal 1,440 minutes in a single day.
What we do with that time is what ultimately makes us uniquely different.
I recently read a piece that offered up this experiment.
What would happen if you took 1% of those 1,440 minutes, just 14 minutes and 24 seconds, roughly 15 minutes a day and consciously tried to change your life? You can keep 99% of your day exactly as it and do what you must do – eat, sleep, go to work, volunteer, walk the dog, take care of family, watch tv, read, exercise. Just 15 minutes. What would happen?
What do I want to do more of? Let’s say mediate (that’s mine). Maybe the idea of meditating 15 minutes a day sound daunting. Too much time. What to do? Start by meditating for one minute every day. Do that for a week and then increase it by half a minute every day for about 30 days. In very little time you’ll be giving 1% of your life to mediation. Think of it this way. If you’re consistent in this practice in 12 months you will have spent more than 5,000 minutes in meditation. That could change your life.
So what are some things you can do in 15 minutes that could change your life? Here’s a few ideas to get you started:
Create a daily ritual where you can cultivate silence, read or (yes) meditate.
Get some exercise go for a walk.
Get out a set of dumbbells and start lifting weights
Learn a new language.
Reconnect with old friends
Practice an instrument. Os so you might not become Mozart but in one years’ time you’ll be able to play songs on a guitar or piano.
Get up 15 minutes earlier so you’re not rushed in the morning or go to sleep 15 minutes earlier each night.
Call someone you love.
Write your personal story.
Start journaling your thoughts and dreams.
We all know life can be overwhelming. But making a 15 minute a day commitment to cultivate yourself or a relationship will lead to more excitement, balance and happiness in your life.
Give it a try.
See what happens.
Would love to hear your ideas for how you’d spend 15 minutes a day.
Please share in the comments below.
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