Years ago I used to play a creative thinking game with my daughter. The idea was to switch from one point of view to another on a dime. Tricky. Great insights were always gained by looking at an issue from a different perspective. Today just for fun, instead of looking at what TO DO to create a joyous, peaceful, fulfilling life (my mission) I thought I’d look at it from the perspective of what NOT TO DO. It was interesting. Here’s what I came up with.
- Surround yourself with negative people –experts say, “we are the average of the 5 people we are closest to.” Who are you closest to?
- Be ungrateful – everything is an opportunity for gratitude even our worst experiences. Expressing gratitude opens the heart and increases joy in our lives.
- Complain – what we focus on and where we put our energy multiplies and manifests. Give ZERO time and energy to what you don’t want.
- Seek comfort — comfort stops growth… life becomes stagnate…aging accelerates. Take a deep breath, step boldly out of the comfort zone and LIVE!
- Be selfish—focusing solely on ourselves creates a vacuum, giving allows us to serve others and increases the flow of abundance to all.
- Make life complicated…Living a simple life based on what is truly important creates lightness, clarity and ease.
- Stop dreaming – what is now real was first dreamed and imagined. Our dreams create our reality. Dream BIG.
- Compare yourself to others – each one of us is completely unique and remarkable. Spend the time discovering your unique gifts and then offer to the world they are unlike the gifts of anyone else.
- Don’t listen to your instincts– hunches are the whispers of the spirit…the gut always knows…not listening handicaps our greatness.
- Procrastinate….thinking about whether to act keeps us S-TUCK. Stop thinking…start acting…jump in it doesn’t matter where you begin, only that you do!
Up for some fun? Try looking at whatever you are dealing with from a what to do and a what not to do perspective. Action steps may suddenly become crystal clear:)!
Hi Cheryl,
Great way of gaining new perspective! I especially love #8. What a beautiful world it could be if we all stopped judging, following and copying others. If only we could focus on being and expressing who we are, with pride and joy.