“Notice when your heart leaps up in joyous exuberance…in these moments the voice of the spirit is speaking directly to you.” Justine Willis Tom
Finding our passion is a big deal.
We all have bubbling passion inside us, but by mid life it can be covered up, or worse, deadened after years of nose to the grind stone and taking care of everyone else. Passion is an interesting thing because not only does it represent what make us most happy and our hearts sing but it’s how we can make our most important contributions and be of service.
In Life Part 2 it’s time to rediscover, engage and offer our gifts to the world.
Easy to say.
What if – we don’t know where to start? What if – we can’t find it? What if-it’s in opposition to the life we’re in? What if – we don’t know how to bring it forth? What if – we go for it and fail?
The What if’s could go on forever and stop us from moving past Go. Immobilized by fear we could decide to just leave things as they are. We each have the choice.
I’ve decided to go for it – (The Red Shoe Zone being part of it).
I love the feeling of being excited… truly excited about something. I love feeling energized… not tired, exhausted or drained. I love having so many ideas swirling in my head I have to keep a pen and paper close by to capture them all (aka – mid life memory lapse) . I love jumping out of bed ready to take on the day, open to whatever’s in store. I love being inspired to keep stepping outside my comfort zone, where I’m guaranteed to grow and evolve. I’m loving not knowing exactly where I’m going but letting life lead the way (which is particularly freeing for a type A, control freak such as myself)!
Most of all I love it when women say… “you got me thinking”… “you inspired me”. I love being a part of a community where we can hold our breath, squeeze our eyes shut and make the leap together. The best part is sharing in each other’s discoveries! That makes my heart beat faster every time.
I’ve been on the hunt for my passion(s) for the last couple years. Yes, for two years I’ve been working at getting out of my own way. My big picture vision – Life Part II is focused on service. Discovering passion(s) is the first step; the next is finding ways to use my gifts to contribute in a bigger way. I want to leave things better than I found them; I want to leave a footprint and ultimately a legacy that is woven into my family’s tapestry for generations to come. That’s my dream.
For now…everyday I’m making the choice to: live as fully as I can, push the walls of my comfort zones further and further and to be on the lookout for things that make my heart beat faster.
It’s been a pretty amazing journey so far. Twists and turns I couldn’t have imagined, a few stumbles but those are there to teach me something or as an indicator to alter the path. I know there will be falls too but that’s OK I’ll be able to get right back up.
Today, I feel like the luckiest woman in the world.
I can’t agree more. Once you let yourself re-dream, amazing things can happen. It is so scary but so exciting.
After re(imagining) — re-dream! What a great word! It changes everything!