[YUMMY GODDESS]: woman age 50+ who glows with health, energy and lusciousness.
Actually it’s a YUMMY GREEN GODDESS because that’s her secret. She uses juicing and specifically green drinks as a potent health tonic and anti-aging beauty elixir.
When I started (green) juicing 4 years ago I didn’t expect the earth to shift. But that’s exactly what happened. The effect was immediate…the glass of green stuff made me feel uplifted and healthy, it put roses on my cheeks and gave me a glow that even the best cosmetics (trust me I’ve tried them all) couldn’t duplicate. As I got further into it I found the benefits extended beyond glowing and feeling great. Green juice could be customized for cleansing, removing heaving metals and toxins, reducing inflammation, lowering blood pressure, supporting cardiovascular health, enhancing weight loss and that names just a few!
The question that always comes up is…What’s best Juicing or blending?
THE BASICS– Smoothies are blended drinks that are processed in a blender. Juice on the other hand is made by pressing out the juice from the veggies or fruits using a juicer and then discarding the pulp or fiber left behind.
NITTY GRITTY – The green juice is stripped of all fiber and therefore provides a nutrient dense quick shot of energy and vitality to our body. A green smoothie is packed with filling fiber and is a substantial drink (that can become a meal with the addition of nuts, seeds, soy/almond milk and protein powers). It will make you feel full and satisfied. The green drink translates directly into energy since it requires less from the body in terms of digestion. The green smoothie requires a lot of energy from the body to in order to digest.
MORE ON ENERGY – Energy is a key factor in our ability to shed weight easily and permanently and, achieve great health and look our most beautiful. Energy regenerates liver and other tissue cells, flushes toxic waste from the body, helps maintain ideal weight, keeps skins collagen smooth and hair shiny and healthy, keeps blood from stagnating into dark under eye circles. The more energy you have the better you feel, and the more beautiful you become. What eats up energy? Digestion. Did you know the full process of digestion takes more energy than any other internal function of the human body?
How often you indulge in yummy green juice/smoothies depends on how healthy you want to be. Sometimes I do it every day and other times once or twice a week.
This is the Holy Grail of juicing and hands down the best green juice recipe for glowing skin and abundant health and energy. I’ve offered 2 versions – one for blending, one for juicing (same recipe amounts vary).
The YUMMY GREEN JUICE GODDESS recipe can be adapted to address individual health issues. For example 2 years ago while I was waiting for heart valve surgery I drank a lot of green/beet juice. Beet juice is one of the best tonics for regulating blood pressure and heart health. During my recovery (thanks to my friend Karen who did the juicing when I couldn’t) I switched to a more luscious protein dense green juice high in kale, spinach and beet greens. I know it hastened my recovery!
NOTE: when you begin life as YUMMY GREEN GODDESS dilute juice with 25-50% water. Your system may be sensitive and want to gently transition instead of being zapped by a full on blast of super green power. Smoothies do not need to be diluted as they contain water or coconut water in the mix.
2 stalks celery
½ cucumber
4 c fresh spinach, kale, chard, romaine, beet greens, parley, collard (choose one or use a mix)
1 lemon peeled
1 c water or coconut water
Optional – replace lemon with 1 green apple (if you like fresh vs. tart)
Optional – 1 small (quarter size) piece peeled ginger
Blend until smooth.
1 c tightly packed spinach
1/2 ripe banana
1/2 avocado (skin and pit removed)
1 tbsp hemp seeds
2 tbsp lemon juice
1 c unsweetened almond milk
Blend until smooth.
note: I use a Vitamix for smoothies
4 stalks celery
1 cucumber
1 – 2 lemons (can leave peel on if organic)
½ bunch kale*
½ bunch spinach*
1 head romaine*
3 stalks chard*
*romaine and kale are my standard greens I often use a blend
Optional – 1 thumb size piece of unpeeled ginger
Optional – 2 stems mint (for fresh zing)
Optional – replace lemon(s) with 1 green apple (if you like fresh vs. tart)
Optional – few sprigs of parsley and/or cilantro
note: I picked up an inexpensive Breville Fountain juicer and used it consistently for 3 1/2 years before I replaced it with same model.
If you’re like me you want to know all the great things you’re doing for yourself. Below is a breakdown of the good stuff in the YUMMY GREEN JUICE ODDESS.
Celery – wonderful anti-inflammatory properties, high in phytonutrients, full of fiber aids digestion.
Cucumber – high level of silica which does wonders for our connective tissue especially our skin.
Kale – one of the most nutrient dense vegetables high in chlorophyll and carotenes and calcium great for bones and has anticancer properties.
Chard – high in vitamin K protects bones, reduces risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke, helps cool down inflammation within body.
Romaine – has quite a bit of protein (7 gms per head) and all 8 essential amino acids our bodies can’t make on own, vitamins A, C, B’s and omega 3’s.
Spinach – (same as romaine) also high levels of betaine which regulates proper homocysteine levels and supports liver good source zinc and iron
Coconut water – contains plenty of electrolytes which help hydrate and restore body also high in potassium which relieves hypertension and muscle cramps
Apples – contain pectin soluble fiber that helps lower bad cholesterol (LDL) helps stabilize blood surges
Mint – contains oils that relieve digestive discomforts
Cilantro and parsley – detoxifying herbs cleansing can help extract heavy metals and other toxins from body
Hemp seeds – one of natures super foods and a complete protien also contains vitamins, minerals, essential fats, enzymes
I think of juice/smoothies in the context of Food as Medicine. There are lots of ways you can customize the YUMMY GREEN GODDESS to address your own health concerns. Here are some examples.
Beets – full of antioxidants, helps increase levels of detoxifying enzymes in liver, has amazing blood pressure lowering effect.
Acai -antioxidant rich berry dark purple, contains anthocyanin powerful free radical fighter also contains fatty acids these combine to protect skim and give healthy glow.
Chia – loaded with antioxidants vitamins, minerals and fiber, omega 3and 6’s relieve constipation, prevent spikes in blood sugar. Chia seeds become gelatinous when wet and/or in our digestive systems. This gel prevents the absorption of some of the food and calories we eat, greatly supports weight loss.
Cayenne – increases circulation breaks up mucous in body helping to dissolve and release toxic buildup heats up body boosts metabolism
For Smoothies only:
Flaxseeds – omega 3’s fiber vitamin e great for skin
Nuts and nut butters – great source of protein, healthy fats and fiber.
Hemp seeds – great source protein and fats and essential amino acids does wonders for heart and skin.
In researching the main health issues of women 50+ I found the following links that offer juice recipes targeting specific concerns. I thought they were great. If you would like to investigate further or expand repertoire of YUMMY GREEN GODDESS take a look.
Cancer, high blood pressure, weight loss, high cholesterol, osteoporosis/bone health, inflammation, breast health, arthritis
Like this post? Please feel free to forward to anyone who may benefit from the healthy, anti-aging and restorative powers of Yummy green drinking.
I like the idea of rolling the parsley in the kale. I am looking into getting a better juicer as we are juicing more than we thought.
love the idea of rolling parsley in kale..thanks!
this is very helpfully product in health
Great post! I’ll absolutely try these juice recipes! I can’t wait! Thanks for sharing this!
I love taking fluids. I love drinking water, juice, smoothies, teas and coffees. Of course, I love it more if it is good for me. Thank you for sharing this. I will take note of everything here and share them with others as well.
Those are surely amazing!