NOTE TO RSZ READERS – Last spring I read an “Oh WOW” book. I t seemed the author knew me! Well…. me and half the population. More than 50% of us are full blown introverts or have qualities of introversion. The good news is wall flowers (like us) can be the show pieces of the garden if we know how to find the light.
A guest post by Carole Cameron author of Splash! An Introvert’s Guide to being Seen, Heard and Remembered
My ears perked up when she used the word “invisible”. Cheryl shared with me that one of the challenges many women on the road to re-discovery express is the feeling of being invisible.
Wow, I thought, this is the very same word I heard so often as I researched and wrote a book which is a kind of “boot camp” for introverts who want to get the most out life in this extraverted world. It’s called Splash!
The Eureka Moment!
It starts with the amazing relief, freedom, and re-framing that comes with understanding the true definition of introversion. We then move into self-affirming strategies to get you more of what you want, while remaining true to your nature.
What’s the secret? It’s all about ENERGY. Simply put, the source of an introvert’s energy is internal, and they tend to focus their energy and attention inwardly as well. An extravert is just the opposite; they draw energy from outside themselves, and focus their energy and attention outwardly too.
When left to their natural devices, introverts:
- are more reflective than expressive
- tend to think first, and talk second
- tend to talk less and listen more
- are more comfortable responding to contact with others than initiating it
Are you an introvert? See if any of these statements ring true for you:
The Splash! Test
- You prefer email, and put off making a phone call until absolutely necessary
- Your best arguments, rebuttals and comebacks come to you half an hour after you need them
- You don’t get how two extraverted people can think they’re having a conversation, it looks to you like a series of interruptions
- You can hardly wait for the party to be over so you can go home
- You believe that networking is way over-rated
- You don’t see why solitary confinement is a punishment
If you suspect that learning more about introversion might trigger a shift for you, keep an eye out for future Red Shoe blogs with excerpts from Splash!
Carole Cameron is a card-carrying introvert who is an accomplished speaker, facilitator and coach. You can find out more about her book, Splash! An Introvert’s Guide to Being Seen, Heard and Remembered by visiting
I love the remark about the extraverts in conversation. That’s exactly how it looks to me! I guess communication serves a different purpose for each of us. Looking forward to the next post about this.
Carole promises further posts! She also has a Splash e-course coming soon. I’m looking forward to that one! Agree about extraverts in conversation (omg). The Splash test in book is much longer….you read it and say…that’s me..that’s me…that’s me…..(funny)