I still marvel at the lessons provided by the red shoes.
I laugh, shake my head and accept that insight can come from anywhere!
The lessons are still top of mind. In fact, they are integrated into day to day life.
The red shoes made me smile. They lifted my spirit and tickled my happy bone. I couldn’t wait to put them on. I looked forward with anticipation to the experiences of the day. I entered each day excited, upbeat and wondering what was in store. Every person I came in contact without exception was happy, generous, warm and friendly.
The red shoes showed me that when I’m happy I see happiness in others.
From that I ascertained that when I’m frustrated, angry or tension filled I see others in that image. When I’m sad I see sadness in people’s eyes. When I’m tired I see the world as boring and unattractive.
We don’t see things as they are, we see things as we are.
Not a bad lesson from a shoe!
Now when my world reflects negatively…I first look to myself….for adjustment!
Who I am is what I SEE.
reACTION [to change in the response to stimulus]: Day 10 – SEE
As you go thru your day today.
Take note of your experiences
What do you see?
It’s always our choice. Which world do I want to see today?
“The world is only a mirror. You will only see in the world what you’re prepared to see in yourself-nothing more, nothing less.”
Robert Holden
Great insight Cheryl, it’s so true, we are all mirrors to one another.