Do you have a core question for Life Part II? After much soul searching the one that resonated most strongly with me was, “Why am I here?” I settled on that one because I believe we are one-of-a-kind beings and our job is to not only grow and evolve during our human experience but, most importantly, to use our unique blend of gifts and skills to contribute to the world and leave it a better place.
I began working on my question last year. While I don’t have a precise answer I do have renewed purpose. I feel it will all become clear if I continue to purposefully put one foot in front of the other, live as inspired as I can and be open to whatever comes!
I have a big box of ‘stuff’ that sits in my office…quotes, pictures, articles….things that spoke to me. I’m going to go through it and keep what still resonates. Then I’ll make a Vision Board representing Why I’m here (as I know today)/What I Love (aligns with my gifts and skills). I made one more than 30 years ago it was AMAZING (to say the least)!
My first Vision Board – I was in my mid 20’s living in Toronto passionately pursuing a career in television and film. I created a board representing the life I wanted to create I called it – My Life/What I Love. When I look back at it (still have it) it represented a 25 year career and life passage with uncanny accuracy. What stands out as eerily spot-on is the picture of a child’s face I added at the last minute (I love kids). I went on to be a member of the board of directors of the Children’s Wish Foundation for 9 years, host the Children’s Miracle Network telethon in Toronto for 6 years, and host a CTV series ‘Just Kidding’ where I interviewed kids using a hidden camera, it was among the richest experiences of my working life.
You could say those things would have happened anyway…perhaps…but I know the vision board helped shape the direction my life took and how it unfolded.
The best part of making a Vision Board is that it’s therapeutic, fun and playful! Interestingly things can become more clear during the process!
How to start – Success lies in getting out of the head and into the heart…you can’t ‘think’ your way through this. It’s like the treasure hunts of childhood, we all remember those…right? The looking was so much fun and the finding of the treasure – WOW…heart stopping!
Keep your core question front and center and combine it with Things I Love as you start looking through magazines or searching online for pictures, quotes, words or images that bring the question and what you love to life. It’s most important to take your time and not rush this part of the process….I collected for months! What words, quotes or pictures inspire you? You’re looking for things that tap into your emotional and intuitive self. You’ll know you’ve found them if your heart speeds up, your breath catches, your eyes to do a double take or you to utter, “Ohhhhhhh” “Awwwhh” “That’s IT” “Oooh Yeah…”.
When this happens you’ve hit a vein of gold…. it’s something that your heart loves…save it! That’s all you have to do….. for Now!
reACTION [to change in the response to stimulus]: Start Treasure Hunting
1. Determine core question for Life Part II. Keep your core question front and center
2. Look for pictures, quotes, words, images of things you love.
3. SAVE everything that puts song in heart.
Hi Cheryl! Wow….that’s what we (Molly and I) both needed! Very timely….Molly is back to the life of the “boring burbs”. Looking for work…broke up with boyfriend…trying to figure out her next direction/purpose. She knows her passion….but has to make it happen.
Me…same (sans the break up). We’ll be working on on our vision boards….thanks to your prompting:)