“You are unlike anyone who has ever lived. But the uniqueness isn’t a virtue it’s a responsibility.”
Mark Batterson, author SOUL PRINT discovering your divine destiny
Finding our uniqueness and using it is a gift to the world. It’s the crux of why we’re here and how we matter.
Do you know what makes you unique?
For most it’s revealed little by little over time as we piece together the jigsaw puzzle of Life. In Life Part II (with our deepening wisdom) the pieces slide into place more easily and the big picture reveals. Still, what sets us apart from all others and makes us a one-of-a-kind creation is a daunting question.
Danielle LaPorte author of The Fire Starter Sessions writes, “your most valuable currency is what comes most naturally to you. Cash in.”
Plink! The penny drops! The key is in our strengths.
STRENGTHS are not only what we’re good at, but what is innate and natural to us. It’s where our greatest potential resides. Here we experience the most growth, improvement, creativity, freedom and resiliency.
In these areas we have a natural advantage over everyone else.
Our greatest strengths are what strengthen us…they are what make us feel amazing ….they put us in the flow…they make us feel useful and vital. We come alive. In this place we are unlike anyone else. Here we are remarkable, completely unique and able to make our greatest contributions.
What is your greatest strength?
Ask yourself. Ask three people who know you well.
Look at the similarities. Is it an A-Ha moment or something you already knew?
It is a direct path to your unique, remarkableness!
If you aren’t currently engaged in your strength – how can you start?
It’s your responsibility to yourself and the rest of us!
I have a friend who is a gifted humorist, she’s legendary in my circle. Her stories have listeners laughing so hard they’re gasping for breath and holding their sides. The way she sees the world and the honestly and vulnerability with which she shares it, is truly unique. Her stories bring joy, insight, and understanding to the human condition. She owns her audience. She lights up! There is NOBODY like her!
By day she works in education so for now her greatest strength is in the back seat. We all hope one day it will move into the front. She talks of journaling and writing a novel. I think she’s (quietly) begun working it.
SO…how do you know when you’ve found it or if its the right one? You light up!
Conversely if it doesn’t light you up you’re not the right person for the job. Keep looking!
Here are more resources to identify strengths
Tom Rath’s Strengths Finder series includes the book Strengths Finder 2.0 in which Rath gives the reader a computer code to access a strength finder questionnaire. Marcus Buckingham’s, Go…Put your Strengths to Work is another excellent book on strengths and allows you to tap into his website, short film and other helpful resources.
In this short video Marcus Buckingham talks about playing to our strengths. It is specifically focused on the workplace but easy to apply personally and to parenting….think you’ll find interesting!
Well said Cheryl! I truly believe this is the key to an ideal world! 🙂
Exactly! Would certainly be a different world if we all offered our greatest strength!
beautifully said!!
I think I know who you’re speaking of 🙂