Yesterday I was listening to the on air banter of two radio hosts. They were quoting a London School of Economics study on happiness. As it turns out we are genetically predisposed to it. Some of us have the happy gene and some of us don’t.
They went on to say that people who make eye contact with others, say hello and thank you tend to be happy people. Whewww……that’s good news I’ll assume I’ve got the happy gene since testing for such is probably not an option on my medical plan.
While few of us can request a genetic happy test we can create the feeling for ourselves on a minute to minute, day to day basis by smiling, connecting with others, engaging in physical activity, spending time outdoors, volunteering, expressing gratitude and…here’s another.
STARTING TODAY – and every day for 365 days write down one thing that made your day more fun, memorable or awesome. Research backs up the idea that writing down good things can improve life and make us…. Happier!
365 days of awesomeness here we come!
Want more happy ideas? Try these.
I believe I have the happy gene – Hurray!
And it just goes to show you – at the end of every dinner time our family goes around the table and asks each person “What was the highlight of your day?” I believe this qualifies for the “what made your day happy, etc” And another way to be grateful for all that we have. I’m smiling!
🙂 my daughter and I used to have the SAME dinner time ritual when she was young!! That is when we actually ate at the table together and we weren’t running off to practice with her chowing down in the car. Your comment brought back all the great memories! Thanks so much!!! Keep smiling:)
What a great idea! I used to write what I called Hilites and Lowlites in my journal every day. What I found interesting was I noticed patterns. The Hilites tended to be the simpler things in life, and often the giving things. The lowlites made it clear that one particular thing (or in my case, one person) needed to be eliminated from my life.
Thanks Cheryl and Dorothy for sharing! 🙂
What a great idea! Love it! Thanks Shireen
You are right on! Great blog and it truely embraces what Red Hat Society is all about! Gotta go, need to take some Happy time out for me and share some happiness with others.