“Gratitude is the healthiest of all human emotions. The more you express gratitude for what you have, the more likely you will have even more to express gratitude for.” – Zig Zigler
Have you ever started a gratitude practice, felt awesome doing it and then for no identifiable reason abandoned it moving on to something else?
Then, not too far down the road you notice there’s less joy in your life, you’re getting wound up and not so good habits, reactions and feelings are creeping back in.
You’ve stepped off the gratitude train
I don’t know about you but I’m more likely to step off when things are tough.
That’s when my mind is so tangled up in the negative that I tell myself I don’t have time to do my gratitude practice. Oh boy. That’s exactly the time I need to stick with it no matter what.
If you’ve fallen off and need to climb back on or if you’ve never had a daily gratitude practice and want to start this is for you.
The science behind it
SCIENCE shows that a few seconds of being grateful every day makes your life better.
Here’s why you should stick to a gratitude practice.
- Gratitude restores your sleep cycles and helps you rest better.
- Helps you grow your friend circle and professional network
- Reduces aches and pains in your body
- Balances your mind and have fewer negative emotions
- Brings out your kindness and compassion while reducing aggression and hostility
- Feel better about yourself with increase self esteem
- Strengthens resilience and supports you when up against trauma, heartbreak, stress, setback and frustration.
- Boosts energy makes you more productive
How to get back on track with Gratitude
To jump back or start for the first time do a week long intensive to solidify your gratitude practice and to remind yourself just how awesome it feels.
As you begin your day express gratitude for 3 things in your life.
Be grateful for everything.
A deeply meaningful gratitude practice doesn’t come from the big moments in life but from recognizing the simple moments that come your way every day, the air you breath, your dog’s wagging tail when you come home, the cat’s purr when you pet her, a sip of cool water, the cool crisp morning air on your face, the driver who smiled and waved you in, in traffic……..
Be grateful for the things you think you aren’t… the red light, difficult co-worker, technology that doesn’t work, the friend that’s late, the family member who drives you crazy, the cool rainy day, the grumpy server……
After expressing each gratitude continue with ‘because’….. I’m grateful for the grumpy server because I saw how I was able to stay calm and patient and have compassion for her. This will take it deeper.
Ask yourself – What are the invisible things that make my life easier, richer, better?
As you drift off to sleep think of 3 things you are grateful for today. You’ll fall asleep with a peaceful, happy heart.
Settling into a daily gratitude practice
As you settle into your daily practice decide if it will be first thing in the morning or last thing at night or both.
Then stick to it no matter what.
Thinking about the different things you’re grateful for can keep it fun and exciting.
Try these gratitude prompts and see all the wonderful-ness in your life.
Gratitude Prompts
Your favourite thing when you wake up in the morning.
Something you are good at doing.
A favourite place you like to visit.
An act of kindness someone showed you.
A book you are grateful for reading.
What weather are you grateful for?
Modern inventions you are grateful or.
Something you take for granted.
Something you learned recently.
A favourite activity.
Favourite day of the week.
Websites you’re grateful for.
Something that makes your life easier.
A favourite food.
Something you use every day.
Something in nature.
Something you wear that makes you feel good.
Something that keeps you warm.
Something that helps you relax.
A song you love.
A recent small success.
Something that cheers you on a rough day.
Something that keep you healthy.
Someone who inspires you.
Something that was a wish come true.
Holidays you are thankful for.
A difficult experience you learned from.
Something in your home you’re grateful for.
A quote or saying that makes you happy.
Aaahhhh gratitude….
Gratitude removes the film from our eyes so we can see the brilliance that surrounds us.
There’s nothing like a daily gratitude practice.
It opens your heart, calms your mind, banishes anxiety and worry.
Try it and let me know how you feel. I’d love to hear from You!
If you begin and finish your day with thoughts of gratitude you’ll find yourself living from a place of abundance rather than lack. Those first and final moments set the tone for the many minutes that fall in between.
Dig deeper into gratitude:
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