Hi Red Shoe Tribe!
Please excuse me for not being in touch recently. With the changing events in the world I have solely focused on sharing the OH MY WORD journaling method so people can use it to ease the anxiety we all feel and find comfort and peace.
Our Changing World
Right now, all of us around the world are dealing with the physical, emotional and financial challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic. While it is a difficult and unsettling time it’s also apparent that we’re learning huge collective lessons and we’re experiencing powerful personal take-away’s and finding silver linings.
We’re looking for ways to care for ourselves and our loved ones, to stay healthy, feel good and gain a sense of control.
Ways to Gain Control of Your Life
Control is such an important thing right now because so much of our lives are out of our control. We reach for things that we can control and that bring order and comfort to our lives. We’re organizing and cleaning, baking and bread making.
These are small ways we can control and produce expected outcomes.
OH, MY WORD journaling is another great way to control the things we can. In this case replacing negative thoughts with positive ones we choose to think. The 5-minute daily ritual is super easy and enjoyable especially for those who have tried traditional written journaling methods without success.
Journaling has always been a great exercise for reflection, processing emotions, fostering gratitude and feeling good.
It can be a way to find the silver linings.
Identifying the silver linings in difficult times doesn’t minimize the suffering but rather makes it more bearable.
On OH MY WORD Instagram I’m posting a daily challenge. Find your Silver Lining. It offers an evening reflection question from the OH MY WORD journal. A simple question that requires a single sentence response. A way of seeing the glimmers of joy and hope in every day.
Expanding Your Journaling Practice
If you would like to expand your journaling practice, I’ve given you 20 prompts below. These prompts can comfort and soothe and are a great addition to the OH MY WORD morning ritual.
If you’re not a ‘written’ journaling person just sit with the list for a minute or two and see what answers come intuitively. If you are in quarantine, self-isolating, sheltering in place or your normal routine has been disrupted try sitting with a new prompt each morning and use it as an active meditation – no writing necessary.
20 Journal Prompts that Soothe and Comfort
- Have I seen any silver linings, even if they are faint, during this crisis?
- Has the crisis forced me to develop new, healthy habits?
- Has the crisis made me aware of what not working in my life?
- Have I become in touch with parts of myself I’d forgotten? Inner artist, learner, creator, activist…
- What is one thing I’d like to keep in my life even after the crisis is over?
- What are some of the things I feel proud about regarding the way I handle this challenging time?
- In what ways have I had to step up and dig deeper than I previously thought I could?
- How has this time taught me to be more careful with my physical, emotional and financial resources?
- Has the crisis encouraged me to improve my self-care practices?
- How has this crisis asked me to take better care of others?
11.Is there something I’ve had to sacrifice so something greater could be born?
- What past wounds or traumas have been triggered and how have I met them with a new level of awareness and understanding?
13.How am I tapping my inner resilience and nourishing it in productive ways?
- In what ways have I remained compassionate and giving to others despite being in a most stressful situation?
- What new useful ways have I found to comfort and support myself?
- Have any relationships been begun, healed or strengthened?
- What are some little things I used to stress about that I now realize are not so important?
- What goals and dreams has this crisis motivated me to prioritize?
- Have I found myself able to be consistently grateful for even the smallest things during this time?
- Have I experienced grace moments or mini miracles during this crisis?
Find the Silver Linings – Feed the Spirit
While we are all experiencing feelings of grief, sadness, fear and loss it’s also important to seek out those silver linings and allow them to feed the spirit and sustain us through difficult times.
Follow OH MY WORD on Instagram for daily inspiration and Find Your Silver Lining evening reflection.
If you haven’t already…..
Start OH MY WORD journaling to ease anxiety, feel comfort and peace and most importantly choose the thoughts you want to think. It’s a fun and relaxing relaxing way to control our lives while living in an out of our control situation.
We’re in this together
Now more than ever, we need to take care of one another. If you find value in this post, please share it. It’s one small way to make a difference.
I’m cheering you on.
Take care of yourselves.
Sending you so much love and strength,
Cheryl x
Good article. Have a nice day.