We all need a little nudge sometimes to look at life from a different perspective…new eyes if you will….to shift to a more positive, optimistic place.
Oprah has identified Marie as a thought leader for the new generation, a passing of the torch so to speak. If you haven’t heard of her (yet) you will. Her purpose is helping others create business and life success. What makes her totally unique is that she does it with so much heart, a healthy dose of humor and genuine humanity. One of the things her mama taught her was that ‘everything is figure-out-abe.” What simple advice. Sometimes our problems seem so overwhelming and insurmountable we get into a pretzel twist just thinking about them. If instead we accept as, “figure-out-able” not only does it evoke a smile and create a well spring of optimism it opens the heart and allows accesses to higher order thinking and greater problem solving ability! It diminishes the impact of said ‘problem’ and brings fun and creativity to the adventure.
Being at peace and relaxing into the lap of life is one of life’s hardest lessons. Some of us want to control, believe we are in control and then despair when we realize we’re not. Some sit back and wait for things to happen and despair when they don’t. What if we were to get up each day with the intention to live in the moment and simply do our best? We would be exactly where we need to be and the next road would open up in perfect order.
We hear so much about living our purpose. If we aren’t doing it or don’t know what it is it can be a huge source of stress and discontent. Especially if we’re the type to pour over self help books and spend extensive time thinking and researching. Even the word passion can cause panic if one isn’t sure what their passions are. So while I whole heartedly agree with taking the pressure off ‘purpose’, I like Elizabeth Gilbert’s take on figuring out passion. She says, “Follow your curiosities”…those are the things that gently tweak your interest. They will guide you to purpose. Stress free and FUN!
The smooth stretches in life are oh-so-nice aren’t they? Nobody likes it when the road gets bumpy. But the bumpy places are just the spots when we’re shaped into who we really are. At the time not so nice but when we reflect the times we wholeheartedly embrace as, most important in our lives.
We all have plans and designs for our lives. But what if….we’re hanging on too tight and in so doing miss out on things we couldn’t anticipate? They would flutter by unseen and unknown because our grip is tight and our vision narrow. While it’s good to have a plan and a vision we must keep an eye out for the unexpected. These are gifts beyond what we can imagine.
We are so much more powerful than we give ourselves credit for. If only we understood our infinite capability for love and joy. If we knew of the abundance within each of us to teach, inspire, heal and provide hope to another. As adults we use imagination to create worry and scenarios that haven’t happened and likely never will. What if we harnessed that power to imagine our own dreams and the difference we could make? We’d have the power to change the world in our hands.
Stepping in the unknown can be scary. Maybe it’s murky, dark and cold. It may bite, hurt and be unkind. Maybe we decide to stay right where we are because we’re not willing to take the risk. We’re also risking not knowing soul fulfilling gloriousness. Is it worth it?
We spend most of our lives cutting down our dreams because the world has conditioned us to think small. Dreams are big and represent what our soul is telling us. So as crazy as it seems they have to be let it out. My experience when I’ve voiced a dream is that it suddenly becomes real and I’m accountable for it. The momentum propelling it forward intensifies to such a degree it startles me. Then I know my dream is underway.
You know what I’m most grateful for? Open heart surgery 2 years ago to repair a faulty heart valve. What happened in the 8 months awaiting surgery totally changed my life. I began the journey fearful, angry, terrified and crying, “why me?” Then I found gratitude and started practicing. The transformation began immediately. It was like a simultaneous softening and opening of the heart and the feeling of being wrapped in a warm, fluffy blanket of calm. “Why is this happening to me?” Became “this is happening for me what are the gifts and opportunities? From deep within me all was revealed.
Taking that first step is the difference maker. Once it’s taken everything is underway. Sometimes we get caught up in wanting to take that step at the ‘right’ time. There is no right time, only this moment. Sometimes we get stopped because we think we’re not ready to step. Guess what? We’re never ‘ready’ only ready-to-step. Those who step are never left alone and unattended…but always supported as the next step is soon revealed.
Who would you be, and what else would you see, if you erased the thought that’s worrying you?
Honestly, worry is the biggest enemy of the present moment. It does nothing but steal your joy and keep you very busy doing absolutely nothing at all. When you spend time worrying, you’re simply using your imagination to create moments you don’t want. Identify a specific thought that’s been troubling your worried mind lately, and then visualize how your life would be different if you removed this thought: How would it change your outlook on your present life situation? Would you treat yourself and others differently? How would you feel? How would you behave? What else would you be able to accomplish?
My name is Cheryl and I’m a recovering perfectionist (and devoted student of Brene Brown). I was groomed to be a perfect little girl who grew up to trying hard to be a perfect adult. It was so hard to do it took all my energy and of course I always fell short. Now I see perfectionism is simply fear in high heels. A well groomed tyrant that works to keep us under wraps and trapped in an illusion and those who seek it will remain unfulfilled their whole lives. There’s a big bonus in giving up perfectionism you become more lovable. Yup…all those imperfections, those vulnerable that connect us to humanity ultimately make us more embraceable. How’s that for a bonus??
ACTION STEP – Aren’t quotes wonderful. I have a friend who sends one out every morning. I look forward with childlike anticipation to Linette’s quote arriving in my inbox precisely at 6:30 am. The right one at the right time changes my perspective and can cause an AHA! If you found inspiration in the wisdom above please share it with friends so that they too can experience a wonderful AHA or shift in understanding. Add your own insights before you share to deepen the connection.
Cheryl x
All uniquely beautiful in their own ways.