Some days are like that…they start off great and then things go sideways, flip upside down or spiral out of control.
You wonder if you should a) scream b) turnoff the world or c) head straight back to bed and call it a day.
Here’s 10 ways to push the (re)set button and have a GREAT day!
1. Do a Happy Heart meditation (from author Christine Northrup) – Find a quiet place to sit. Close your eyes. Take long slow breaths, smile into your heart for 2 minutes.
2. List the things you’re grateful for – as the list grows your heart will soften and the good stuff will dwarf whatever is happening.
3. Get Laughin’ – a chuckle breaks tension, allows for a much needed emotional release and triggers the brain to release feel good endorphins. Call a friend who makes you laugh, watch a funny movie or (if all else fails) funny you tube videos.
4. Turn on the music and sing your heart out or dance up a storm.
5. Smile at everyone you meet – flash a big one or try it this way (from How to Talk to Anyone by Leil Lowndes). Look at the person’s face for a second. Pause. Soak in the persona. Then let a big warm responsive smile flood over your face and overflow into the eyes. It will engulf the recipient like a warm wave and spill back on you.
6. Connect with someone you love and ask how they’re doing.
7. Engage a stranger in conversation-(from How to Talk to Anyone by Leil Lowndes). Imagine they are an old friend – the joyful experience starts a remarkable chain reaction in your body from the subconscious softening of your eyebrows to the positioning of your toes-and everything in between.
8. Perform an act of service – talk to a senior, pack up a bag for the food bank and drop it off or perform a random act of kindness…anonymously….it’s magic!
9. Express thanks…write an email or make a call expressing thanks, it spreads a lot of good will and comes right back at you.
10. Get outside and go for a walk, run or cycle….it calms, energizes, gets the heart pumping and releases the feel good endorphins. ADD #5 /#7 (multitask):)!
Nice post Cheryl! Sometimes I watch old episodes of All in the Family for a good laugh. But I think taking the focus off ourselves (as in #5 – 9) is all we need to reverse negative feelings. Great advice, even on good days. 🙂